For service personnel of the household division of the British Army

The Guards Golfing Society

Household Cavalry
Grenadier Guards
Welsh Guards

Golf for the Household Division Community.

The Courses We Play

Society Partners



£30 per yr

Household Division Championships

(Spring and Late Summer Meeting)

Colonel-in-Chief’s Cup

Autumn Meeting

Captains' Prize Competition

Society Matches

(Only by booking and selection from the Match Manager)

Open to :

Serving and Non - Serving Commissioned Officers.

WHS Handicap

No contracts - cancel anytime

Membership Terms & Conditions


Open to all Officers who hold or have held a Commission in the Household Division on payment of an annual subscription of £30inc VAT.


Open to all serving and/or retired Guardsmen who can provide a certificate of handicap from a recognised Golf Club or a certificate from their Regimental or Battalion Golf Officer countersigned (if appropriate) by their respective Regimental Representative. They may play in the Household Division Championships (Spring Meeting), the Colonel-in-Chief’s Cup and in Society matches by invitation of the Match Manager. There is no annual subscription for Associate Members.


The Committee reserves the right to assess the handicap of any of its players for or during Society Meetings


Frequently Asked Questions

How many society matches are there are year?

The Guards Golfing Society organises approximately 20–25 matches annually. These matches take place at prestigious golf clubs across the Home Counties and beyond, including renowned venues such as The Berkshire Golf Club, Sunningdale Golf Club, and Royal St George's Golf Club. Matches are held between The Guards Golfing Society and various opponents, including other military golfing societies, exclusive clubs, and civilian golf groups.

Who can participate in society matches?

Society matches are open to both serving and retired members of the Household Division of the British Army. These matches provide an excellent opportunity for members to maintain connections with fellow personnel, develop camaraderie, and enjoy the game of golf at some of the finest courses in the UK.

What is the format of the matches?

Matches typically follow a team-based format, where The Guards Golfing Society competes against other golf clubs or societies. The results are tracked throughout the year, contributing to the society's overall record.

Where are the matches held?

Matches are hosted at various prestigious golf clubs, typically in the home counties region, throughout the year. Some of the venues include:

The Berkshire Golf Club, Royal Worlington and Newmarket Golf Club, Sunningdale Golf Club, Royal St George's Golf Club, Denham Golf Club to name a few.

Can I see the results of past matches?

Yes, match results are updated regularly and shared with society members. These updates include details such as the venue, opponent, and match result.

Contact Us

The Guards Golfing Society

47 Durnsford Avenue, Fleet England GU52 7TA

07799 885604


Privacy Policy

Terms & Conditions

©The Guards Golfing Society 2025

All Rights Reserved